Collection: Life Coaching

“Everyone needs a coach” Bill Gates & Eric Schmidt

On paper, my life looked great. I had a great job. Professional recognition. A busy social life. My social media accounts are filled with pictures of travel and parties. My friends would tell me I had it all, but secretly I thought “if only you knew, Loneliness is my dearest companion”. I had a crippling lack of self-esteem and self-love and had used food, sleep, exercise and even some unmentionable additions to numb myself for years.

But despite external signs of success, I was battling with mood swings, and nothing and no one was ever good enough”. I constantly compared myself to other people and never felt I measured up, both professionally and personally. I worried about everything, and I was exhausted at the end of the day, feeling like I did not comply much.

Nothing could make up for the lack of a purpose toward a signification goal and purpose-driven life.

It took a lot of soul searching, a couple of round-the-world online training and workshop and a truckload of self-discovery, but eventually I realised my problem wasn’t my body, appearance or job… I had to learn that saying yes to myself didn’t mean I was saying no to anyone else or pushing people away.

If this sound familiar then we need to talk. I started to live my life rather than just exist. And I promised myself I’d help other women do the same. I don’t want it to take as long for you as it took me. The stakes are too high, and you’ve lost enough time already. You deserve to live an extraordinary life. And an extraordinary life begins with taking care of yourself.

“I’m working on myself, for myself, by myself.”

Click here to read testimonials of people that Irene had the privilege to coach.


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