Book Testimonials

Amanda Grosschutze

"I usually take advise from one who wears the T-shirt : been there, done that. Spot on in dissecting disappointment. The practical tips to manage and overcome losses, disappointments and humiliation in ones life, are priceless.

Thank you for an uplifting book."

Bertha van der Colff – Forensic Fraud Accounting

WOW! This is the first thing I can say after reading this book. It gives you such a broad view of what’s happening in your mind, body and soul when going through disappointments now a days. As a matter of fact, in the times we’re living in, disappointment is becoming a trend. In this book you get all the tools of what’s happening to a person when going through such an emotion, how to deal with it, and what to do going forward. It’s a learning guide and something you can keep at hand and work through, multiple times. It’s well-illustrated and formulated. I think it’ll be a good gift to give someone, seeing as there isn’t a person in this world that hasn’t experienced disappointment. You’ll definitely invest in someone’s wellbeing and healthy emotions. I highly recommend this book to everyone.


J.P. Russell – Author and Journalist

This best book starts covering topics from a very basic level. It is always best to learn from the efforts of others. I enjoyed reading the book and it is well structured from the heart of the author which have instead of sharing all the trauma and heartache penned down feasible solutions toward healing of disappointment. Keep it handy and share it with others it give you great insight towards the healing journey.

I usually take advise from one who wears the T-shirt : been there, done that. Spot on in dissecting disappointment. The practical tips to manage and overcome losses, disappointments and humiliation in one’s life, are priceless. Thank you for an uplifting book.


Liz Rossouw - Artist

Life is disappointing. And disappointment can so easily come to dominate our life—the nagging thought in the back of our minds and the constant 'but' colouring all our pleasures.

In this realistic, hope-filled book, Irene shows how to deal with disappointment — what disappointment is, what it does, and how to learn to live with the disappointments while also knowing joy.