Online Life Coaching

I've been specializing in online life coaching for years now.

Meeting this way for coaching is increasing in popularity, with many people loving the fact they can meet with a great coach no matter where in the world they are.

I've found that, in general, people fall into three camps when it comes to the idea of meeting with a life coach online:

Freaked Out, Relieved, or Cautiously Open.

Which one are you?
  • Life coaching

    A life coach can help a person to identify strengths, develop them, and identify personal and professional goals. Their role is to assist the person throughout the change process. As you will discover, this happens in several ways. A mentor's focus is partly on compatibility with the mentee.

    Choose your change 
  • Off the Shelf

    Typically, less costly upfront than custom content – OTS is considered a cost-effective option that requires less out of your pocket upfront. With OTS training, organizations don't have to worry about hiring an internal L&D team or vendor to create the program or invest in course authoring tools.

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